Wrapping up WWX2014
Silex Labs organized the World Wide Haxe Conference 2014 “WWX2014”, International conference on Haxe the open-source, cross-platform language from the 23rd to the 26th of May 2014 in the premises of the school Cifacom.
The WWX2014 conference’s objectives were the promotion and development of the Haxe language, and to further improve the cooperation between members of the Haxe community by:
Allowing developers and designers from around the world (10 countries represented) to meet and to present their experiences and discuss their challenges and successes
Providing the opportunity to meet professionals from development, and digital media to students from our partner schools but also to young people interested in programming
Reaching a wide audience through the live broadcast on the Internet and through the online videos on our YouTube channel.
The WWX2014 brought together 60 participants from 10 countries for 4 days of conferences with 14 presentations and two roundtables to discuss issues faced by the community, and also workshops and festive evenings.
More than 1200 people followed the live stream of the conference.
All of these people gathered around Haxe let the world know about it with nearly 2,500 tweets between Saturday and Sunday and tons of photos. A true community!
WWX2014 Videos
The edited videos posted on YouTube combine to date more than 7,000 views, watch it and spread the word!
- Péter Sipos “Senior dev & Tech lead at Prezi”
- Nicolas Cannasse “One year of Haxe”
- Thomas Fétiveau “Development workflow with Cocktail and NME”
- Bruno Garcia “Flambe”
- Hugh Sanderson “C++ Magic”
- Jean-Baptiste Richardet “What’s your favorite Haxe IDE?”
- Juraj Kirchheim “Tinkerbell – Haxe on Wings”
- [Justin Donaldson “Promhx
- Cross-platform Promises and Reactive Programming in Haxe”](https://www.silexlabs.org/?p=202971)
- Franco Ponticelli “Haxe for makers”
- Cauê Waneck “Unity3D on steroids”
- Todd Kulick “Shipping One Million Lines of Haxe to (Over) One Million Devices”
- Andreas Söderlund “DCI – How to get ahead in system architecture”
- Andreas Söderlund “HaxeContracts”
- Elliott Stoneham “Haxe as a compilation target for other languages”
- [Round Tables
- Community Life – Haxe Cross Platform](https://www.silexlabs.org/wwx-2014-round-tables-community-life-haxe-cross-platform/)
- WWX2014
WWX2014 in figures
14 speakers
2 round tables, 11 speech and 4 lightning talks
60 participants from over 10 countries
(Brazil, Germany, Netherlands, USA, Australia, France, England, Romania, Sweden, Spain, Italy)
Viewing the live stream: ~ 1200 viewers on 2 days
17 videos online totalling more than 7000 views to date (October 2014)
~ 2500 tweets over 2 days (# WWX2014)
Silex Labs is in charge of organizing this conference for the third consecutive year with an average of one hundred participants from around the world: developers, designers, project managers, integrators, business leaders and students from schools and web media with which Silex Labs is in partnership.
More than 1,000 people follow the live video broadcast each year and the videos from the 3 editions total more than 25,000 views on our YouTube channel. Find the videos from WWX2012 and WWX2013 at the following links
Do you like Haxe, the WWX and the world of open source? Your help is always welcome!
We are looking for new ways to fund the Haxe conference next year because we did not find enough sponsors this year. We are open to your suggestions to enable us to continue to organize this event, which seems so important to the Haxe community.
Special thanks
To organize this conference Silex Labs has united its members most motivated by Haxe to form a working
Our thanks goes out to the speakers and all the participants for their motivation and collaboration!
A big thanks also to the technical team in charge of the video and live stream
- Alexandre Coulon
- Bastien Cantilhion of Lacouture
- Nicolas Masson
- Gregory Parodi
- Antonin Stephany
- Matthew Wall and Richard Blakely from Influxis
And also Flora Richardet for helping us welcome people and Chloé, Cristian and Bruno for taking pictures.
Sponsors and partners
We would like to thanks our sponsors and
Tokom for the sponsorship and the involvement in the organization
Wyzapps’ donation and support of the Association since the beginning.
Influxis for the streaming which enabled us to reach people all around the world!
Cifacom school for the place and all the technical support, without them nothing would have been possible!
**And the Haxe foundation.