A walk-through of Haxe JS Kit


Clément Charmet’s speech at the world wide Haxe conference WWX2015


Clément Charmet has been developing all kind of stuff for the web for 10+ years. Being an all-time Haxe enthusiast, he’s the creator of try.haxe.org, maintainer of the Haxe Sublime Text bundle, and tries to push forward Haxe/JS as a fullstack, versatile target through his “Haxe JS kit” project.

Clément Charmet - GitHub

Clément Charmet - Twitter



In his talk “A walk-through of Haxe JS Kit”, he demonstrates the main features of Haxe JS Kit, and through them, the huge benefits of using Haxe over alternatives such as Typescript to “just” target Javascript.

This includes miscellaneous sexy stuff, from MongoDB modelling to ReactJS integration, isomorphism, NPM integration, and more generally, ways to quickly build solid full stack applications.

Slides of “A walk-through of Haxe JS Kit”

Watch the video: voir la video

More WWX2015 videos here


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