Let's Haxe a beer together
This article is about Haxe cocktail organized by Silex Labs. It happens in Paris, so the article is in French.
Salut à tous les Haxeficionados,
Venez nombreux et faites tourner l’info nous Haxeptons tout le monde !!
This article is about Haxe cocktail organized by Silex Labs. It happens in Paris, so the article is in French.
Salut à tous les Haxeficionados,
Venez nombreux et faites tourner l’info nous Haxeptons tout le monde !!
Cet atelier a été l’occasion de présenter l’association Silex Labs et ses activités mais surtout de démontrer les usages possibles du langage Haxe grâce aux outils développés par Intermedia Paris et par la communauté Haxe.
Yannick Dominguez, lead developeur a présenté aux développeurs 3 targets de Haxe et les a guidés à travers des exemples de code pour qu’ils aient les bases de la programmation Haxe. Retrouvez...
We have the pleasure to announce that the wwx2013, the third Worldwide Haxe Conference, will take place in Paris from May 24th to May 27th 2013. This conference is organized for developers of the Haxe community by Silex Labs in partnership with the Haxe Foundation, Intermedia Paris, Cifacom and Prezi.
...Les Haxeteliers, le concept
Silex Labs lance une nouvelle session d’ateliers parisiens de formation dédiés au langage Haxe. Ces ateliers mensuels organisés par Silex Labs en partenariat avec Intermedia Paris, Alterway et IESA Multimedia s’adressent aux développeurs souhaitant acquérir les connaissances de base pour utiliser Haxe.
Haxe est un langage...
This article exposes the vision we share with the Silex Labs team and several Haxe community members, about Haxe needs in order to expand and to be sustainable.
Silex Labs and Haxe have a lot to share, and Silex Labs team has shown that we are willing to, and capable...
Some parts of this article are now obsolete, as Cocktail has changed a lot (2012-08-14).
Cocktail, what is cocktail?!
Cocktail is the name of a new project @ Silex Labs.
This is an article for developers about the haXe library Cocktail, cross platform haXe!
Please use up-to-date Firefox 6, Chrome or...
This post is aimed at developers.
As you certainly know, in order to unify development of SILEX, we are moving from a solution using JavaScript, ActionScript2, ActionScript3 and PHP to a solution using haXe targetting all these platforms.
Since haXe provides no way of using references in PHP,...
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