wwx2013 speech: Nicolas Barradeau aka nicoptère "Random graphic doodles"

Nicolas Barradeau aka nicoptère - Creative coder
Nicolas Barradeau was born in Paris, grew up in Lyon, practiced fencing till the age of 12 and has always been a poor skateboarder. He did the fine-arts until 2003 in Lyon and graduated with honors ; he was a good student. He left for Budapest (Hungary) in 2005 and he became a french teacher. A year later, he was hired to do 3D architecture rendering for a real-estate company. In the meantime, he learnt Flash as a hobby and in 2008 – back in Paris – it became his job. He ended up being “lead creative developer” then left the company he worked for to start a freelance carreer on january 2010. Nowadays, he works as a creative coder, with various people, agencies and programming languages but always on the graphic part of things. He sometimes recieves awards for his work, gives workshops and conferences. He is happy.

Random graphic doodles
Randomized experiences and visions of a programmer diving into the Haxe ecosystem. You will see how I generate beauty with code… and NME!

Here are the other videos of the wwx2013:

Day 1

- [Talk Nicolas

- [Talk Juraj

- [Talk Cristian

speech: Valérie Alloix aka elimak “Storytelling with data + Haxe/Neko””)

Day 2

- [Talk Danny Wilson & Ruben

- [Talk Joshua

- [Talk Yannick Dominguez & Raphaël

- [Talk Laurence

speech: Laurence Taylor Make it Fly (Haxe, Fp and Arrows)”)

- [Talk Jason

speech: Jason O’Neil “Web Apps in Haxe (an idea whose time has come)””)

- [Talk Laszlo

speech: Laszlo Pandy “Automating cross-platform UI development at Prezi””)

- [Talk Lorant

speech: Lorant Pinter “Conquering uniform cross-platform text rendering””)

Lightning Talks


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